Local Partners has the largest network of hospitals and clinics in the world. Our Health Partners is an Academic Health Science Centre where world-class research, education and clinical practice are brought together for the benefit of patients.
Our purpose is to make a real and lasting difference for everyone we support.
Local Partners Healthcare is dedicated to helping people to improve their health and wellbeing. We understand that in order for people to achieve high quality clinical and educational outcomes they need individually tailored programmes, suiting their specific needs.
The Local Partners Healthcare has established an unrivalled reputation for delivering a real and lasting difference for its service users.
Our partners:
- http://www.aurumpharmaceuticals.co.uk/
- http://www.priorygroup.com/
- http://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/
- http://www.barnesjewish.org/
- http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/
- http://ki.se/start
- http://www.mayoclinic.org/
- http://www.kgu.de/en/home.html
- https://www.charite.de/
- https://www.isarklinikum.de/
- http://www.resortragaz.ch/en/medical-health-clinic.html
- http://kusnachtpractice.com/
- http://www.max-grundig-klinik.de/
- http://caldaclinic.com/
- http://www.leukerbadclinic.ch/
- http://www.hohenegg.ch/
- http://www.spec-clinic.org/
- http://www.privatklinik-meiringen.ch/
- http://www.massgeneral.org/
- http://www.mcleanhospital.org/
- http://www.nyp.org/
- https://www.sheppardpratt.org/
- https://www.uclahealth.org/resnick/
- http://www.austenriggs.org/
- https://www.ucsfhealth.org/
- http://www.aurumpharmaceuticals.ch/
and many others…
Local Partners sees greater collaboration and innovation as an important part of the transition of knowledge and results to the community. Such transitions will promote better health and cure disease.
Sickness, health and medicine respect no borders and increasingly demand global attention and responsibility. International collaboration is therefore vital to strengthening Local Partners ’s position in responding to these issues that affect us all.
Collaboration takes place at three levels through individual scientists’ collaborations, departmental or centre collaborations with similar units at international higher education institutions, and finally through strategic alliances with leading international universities.
Local Partners extensively researches different healthcare providers globally to find the finest healthcare centres. Specific consideration is given to finding those centres with the best treatment outcomes, patient care, regional access, and the exceptional leaders in their respective healthcare field.
We personally visit every centre, tour the facilities, interview management and healthcare providers to ensure they meet or exceed our expectation of exceptional care.
We also negotiate preferred rates for our patients.